Kisahnya, nak perabiskan all the holidays and trips that we bought during the recent Matta Fair. Bila ditanya oleh Mr H tiket tu masih boleh pakai ke, dgn penuh confidentnya I as the very responsible wife answered ok lagi.. U jgn risaulah.. Tiket tu masih valid. Bila dibelek2 balik, the validity is until 31 Dec 2015. What?? Oh my this is my mistake totally..
Cepat2 call Mr H. Ms tu he was out somewhere. Dia balik je, mcm nak terbang kelam kabut mengemas barang2 anak2 and we rushed to KL. Well, the rushed part tu sampai masuk Grand Saga je sebab masuk Cheras area je, the traffic was really baaaddd... Takpe sabar2. Mengesot2 kereta and an hour plus later, sampai juga kami di KL Bird Park. Yeayyy!!!
Sampai dah!! |
Kami sampai sana dlm pkl 4 ptg. Park tutup pukul 5.30 ptg so oklah. Tengok displayed ticket price, wow! Nasib baiklah beli tiket kat Matta Fair haritu. Baru RM15 seorang. Tiket Nisa baru RM7. Aira free sebab under 90cm.
Masuk je kat dlm, the excitement begun for the kids.
Tengok dari jauh jer |
Ayahnya pun sama excited mcm ank2 |
Ececeh macam berani jer |
Punyalah seronok, berjalan kaki jauh pun dorang ni x sedar. Anak2 takde pun minta didukung |
Life is good |
Ngam2 habis pusing satu park, hari hujan. Berterabur lari balik ke kereta. Basah sikit, but we had a great time with the kids.
Cuti chinese new year dah dekat. Ke mana pula ye?
Bahagian rushing tu macam biasa je dengar :)