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Monday, May 26, 2014

Solid Food for My Precious Gem: Pasta with Tomato, Sweet Potato and Cheese

Aira is a good eater. Cuma kesian dia hari2 Aira makan bubur nasi.

Then I recall the name Annabell Karmel who created a lot of delicious, easy to prepare food for children. Maka, mulalah sesi mentelaah one recipe after another. After reading through her blog, I chose this because it has sweet potato which is Aira's favorite. Besides, the soft pasta is suitable for her to start on solid food since she's almost 1 year 3 months.

1L vegetable stock
Olive oil
2 carrots (hiris nipis)
3 tomato besar (buang biji, cincang). Boleh juga guna tomato puree tin
2 medium sized sweet potato (cincang)
2 bulbs of yellow onion (cincang)
4 ulas bawang putih (cincang)
1 chicken breast (thinly sliced)
cheddar cheese
4 sudu besar susu segar
1 pack Heinz baby pasta

The ingredients

1.   Tumis bawang besar dengan olive oil sampai lembut.

2.   Masuk bawang putih. Tumis lagi sampai naik bau.

3.   Masuk dada ayam yang dah dihiris tadi. Goreng sampai kekuningan.

4.   Masuk tomato, sweet potato and vegetable stock. Kalau takde vegetable stock, guna air biasa pun ok. Panaskan sampai menggelegak. Then, simmer until the vegetables are soft.
Cooking and simmering nicely

5.   In another pot, boil the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging.
Boiling pasta
6.   When the pasta are cooked, drain the hot water. Wash the boiled pasta under running water until cooled. This will wash out the starch that caused the pasta to stick and clump. Then, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the cooked, cooled pasta to further avoid them from sticking to one another. Put aside.

7.   Back to number 4, turn off the stove. Let the dish cool slightly. Then, add in the milk and stir.

8.   Blend it to a puree. This is the sauce to our pasta.
Almost done
9.   Grate the cheddar cheese into the sauce and stir until the cheese melts.

10. We are done!!

As usual, saye masak utk stock makanan Aira lebih kurang 10 hari. Caranya, pack makanan dalam bekas kecil dalam jumlah sekali makan. Bila nak dimakan, cairkan dan panaskan je. Siap.
Aira's response: LOVING IT!!

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