Why do I called it desperately needed? Because it really is! I have been cooped up in the house most of the time, 24/7 dealing with the children, then becoming very exhausted and I get short tempered with everyone and everything and stress will be in the air and I started to hate myself for making my husband feeling miserable.. (wow panjangnye ayat..) So, pergi jalan2 la ubatnya coz it always works!!
Where do we go? Feringgi!!! Well, actually this is becoming an annual activity for our small family. Teringin gak nak ke Pangkor or Redang or Langkawi or Kuching or KK but as my husband said anak2 kecik sangat lagi nak naik flight or ferry. I have to agreelah.. It's not easy travelling with 2 small children under 2 years of age. Seb baik kereta dah besar. Sepenuh2nya boot kereta dengan 5 beg, 2 stroller, 2 baby car seat and 1 baby bath tub.
We pushed off from home to Batu Kurau first to visit my sis-in-law and stayed overnight there..
Nisa so busy biting her doll's nose.. |
We arrived in Batu Feringgi at 4.30 pm the next day. We stayed in Flamingo By The Beach Hotel for 2 nights.
Flamingo By The Beach Hotel |
Review hotel ni based on my experience there:
Untuk 4 star hotel oklah. Bilik reasonable price (I booked through an agent). Rupa dari luar sangat cantik tapi kat lobby biasa2 je. Parking ok. The lounge cantik especially during sunset. Bilik ok tapi tiled floor which is not safe especially for us yang bawa baby sebab very slippery. In fact, Nisa jatuh terlentang sekali. Nasib baik takde apa2. To me, kalau 4 star sepatutnya carpeted floor lagi class.. Nak iron baju kena pergi ironing room which is SANGAT tak best ok. Ironing room pula buruknye lahai... I've been to other hotels yang ironing room dia jauh lebih elok and proper dari hotel ni punya. The room comes with 2 breakfast (standard la kan). Buffet breakfast dia sedap but choices of food tak banyak sangat. Cafe ambiance ok (tepi pool). The hotel ada direct access to the beach tapi sayangnya tak boleh mandi masa ni sebab jelly fish season. Anyway, Nisa is terrified of the sand (we took her to the beach which she refused to set her feet down and ended up hanging on her ayah's shirt) so we resorted to have fun in the pool. Pool dia best sebab most of the pool is in the shade so taklah panas. Ada pool bar and outdoor jacuzzi My husband tried it but he said it's just bubbly water (I've never tried jacuzzi before). Pool pun tak dalam (boleh jejak kaki ke dasar) jadi untuk mereka yang tak pandai swim (like me) taklah gerun nak mandi. The best thing about this hotel is the staffs which are very friendly and helpful. The security guard, bell boy, receptionist, housekeeping, waitresses, the chefs, pool boy gave very good service to us. Diorang nampak I terkial2 bawa 2 baby with bags, cepat2 diorang tolong. Banyak hotel yang saya pergi, belum pernah dapat layanan macam ni. Two thumbs up guys!!
So here are some of our pics there.
Aira in her car seat. Masa ni baru sampai Batu Kurau |
After having nasi kandar on Gurney Drive |
She just LOVED the phone in the room |
Aira sleeping by the pool while I had a great time in the pool with Nisa |
Pool time!! |
Pool time lagi!! |
Nisa looking tired and sleeping most of the time on our way home |
The best activity that we did was taking the ferry ride out of Penang Island. I don't think Nisa understand what we did or where we were, but my husband and I really enjoyed the ferry ride. Haha!!
Nisa busy munching her Oreo |
Our beloved on the ferry |
We arrived home on the 30th April (birthday of my sweetheart!!) at about 10.30 pm. We made a lot of stops along the way. Our day ended feeling very happy but tired and a lot of dirty laundry. Hahaha!! But we really had a great time :)
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