Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hanya Jauhari Mengenal Manikam

Hari ni genap 2 tahun kami kahwin. 19 Jun 2010 jam 11.10 pagi. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Kami dah ada anak, sweet and adorable Tis Nisa Ridzuana. Paling best, Nisa lahir 6 hari selepas anniversary kami yang pertama. The best anniversary gift we've ever had! Nisa is almost a year old now.  

How has married life changes me? In so many different ways that I have expected and unexpected. The happiness is the most abundant. Each day is filled with laughter and happiness. Yes, there were bleak days, but in the end it all feels better when the one I love is there to lend a shoulder. I think, married life made me a better person, inside and out. I do still have flaws. I'm not perfect. I made mistakes just like others, but I learned and mature through them. 

Saya bersyukur ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana dikurniakan jodoh dengan seorang suami yang terbaik buat diri ini. There's simply no word to describe how perfect he is to my eyes. Hanya jauhari yang mengenal manikam..

"Sesungguhnya, apabila seorang suami memandang isterinya (dengan kasih & sayang) dan isterinya memandang suaminya (dengan kasih & sayang), maka Allah akan memandang keduanya dengan pandangan kasih & sayang. Dan apabila seorang suami memegangi jemari isterinya (dengan kasih & sayang) maka berjatuhanlah dosa-dosa dari segala jemari keduanya" (HR. Abu Sa'id)

"And we both know, that our love will grow,
and forever it will be you and me.
Your life is the sun, chasing all the rain away,
When you come around you bring brighter day.
You're the perfect one for me and you and forever we'll be,
and I will love you so for always" [Atlantic Star: Always]

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