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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Solid Food For My Precious Gem: Fish With Orange

My first entry, and i'm already talking about food. Ishk ishk typical Tisam..

Akhirnya cuti skola dah tiba. Yeayyyy!!! Niat cuti kali ni nak MASAK special2 utk Nisa. Kesian dia hari2 makan nasi lembik dgn ikan/ayam kicap or sup. Now it's almost a war when it comes to meal time. Agaknya dia dah jemu dgn menu yg sama hari2. Poor Nisa...

Sebelum nak citer panjang2, millions of thanks kepada Dr. Halina Mohd Yunos. Yang x kenal sape die, she's Dato' Sheikh Muszaphar's WIFEY. I enjoy reading her blog about her life (busybody me hihi...) and especially about her little B who is about the same age as my Nisa. Kalau x silap, umur Bella and Nisa cuma beza sebulan je. So whatever tips that she gave in her blog, I simply follow. Hehe..

According to Dr. Halina, she got most of her recipies for little Bella from Annabel Karmel's cookbook. So credits to the writer. Thank you2!!

The one I'm sharing here is my version of fish with orange (chewah blom aper2 lagi dah improvise resipi orang. hehehe..)

The ingredients that I used were a slice of salmon, an orange, cheese, a bit of butter, broccoli, carrot and potatoes.

Mula2, buang tulang ikan (next time, I'll buy fillet sbb susahnya nak deboned the fish). Cuci ikan bersih2, pastu letak dalam pan. Squeeze the juice out of the orange on the fish. Koyak2 a bit of cheese on the fish and drop a few, small lumps of butter on it too (not too much as the butter is salty and takut gemuk). Masuk dalam oven for 20 minutes at 180°C. 

                                       Sebelum masuk oven

Sementara tunggu ikan masak, potong broccoli, carrot and potatoes and steam them all. But I over steamed the brocolli here. Hurmm.. Next time insya allah won't happen again. One thing i noticed, berbanding merebus and stim, steaming is better because it retain the sweetness and the nutritional values of the vege (unless you over steamed green vege like I did. Hurm again..)

                                          The steamed vege

By now, the fish should be ready. The smell was WOW!!


So, mash the fish and vege together using a fork and its done. Sayangnya, lupe nak amik gambar lepas mashed tu. Everyone (Atok, Nenda, Uncle Izzad and Mama of course) had a sample of the dish. Two thumbs up!!

Esok kalo rajin, nak buat another recipi again from Dr. Halina's blog. Thanks Doc!!

1 comment:

  1. Well done baby becar ayah. Patut la bertenaga lebih Nisa hari ni. Kejar Atok merata. Ooooo makan energy food rupanya.
