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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Solid Food For My Precious Gem: Beef With Pumpkin

Solid Food For My Precious Gem: Beef With Pumpkin

Halo2x!! I'm back again. This time with another recipe from Dr. Halina's blog Barely Supermommy which she got from Annabel Karmel Cooking Book. Just like my last entry, mine here telah ditambah baik (chewah!!) di sana sini supaya sesuai dgn my gem's taste.

Actually I was REALLY excited to try this recipe out coz it's the first time Nisa makan red meat! Mula2 tu adalah jugak mamanya ni rs cuak2 nak bagi daging. Yelah, takut her digestive system is not ready to process the tough, fibrous meat. After searching online (chewah! sekali lagi bunyi MACAM bijak laksananya... hihi) dan discussing with my mom-in-law, I decided that she's ok with it. So, how to prove it more than to try it out right??

Now, bahan2 yg diperlukan agak unik dan kene buat awal2 sblm nak prepare this dish. The thing that I prepared the day before is tomato puree. So here's how I did it:

Take 2 large tomatoes, cut them. Dice half of an onion bulb, sedikit bawang putih and bawang merah. Tumis dulu bawang2 kecik dgn olive oil (I use olive oil for all Nisa's food) then masuk tomatoes. Masak sampai nampak tomato lembut, then padam api. Blend. Siaplah puree kita. I got about satu bekas sederhana puree utk stok kegunaan akan datang...

Back to our beef with pumpkin; I used minced meat, pumpkin, carrot, broccoli, onion, garlic, air (the actual recepi is beef stock tapi x sempat nak buat, so pakai air jelah), tomato puree and thyme leaves. Ha... sure semorang tertanya2 apakah tyhme leaves tu kan? To be honest, sye pun x tau apalah bendanya tu. First time I heard the word is when I watched Ratatouille. Hahahah!! So I went to Cold Storage, Alamanda. Cari punya cari, and usaha saya membuahkan kejayaan. Ni lah rupanya thyme leaves itu...

                                 Bau dia macam pizza..

Ok, so here's how I did it. Chop pumpkin, onion, garlic and carrot. Potong kecil broccoli. Saute beef with onion until golden. Then masuk air, pumpkin, carrot and garlic. Bring to boil until everything soften. Add in a tiny bit of salt. Lastly put in the broccoli. After assessing a moment, I decided to blend everything. So, this was how it looks. Rupa and kaler x begitu memberangsangkan but the smell and taste = Superb!!
                                           It's done!!!
My girl ate this with nasi lembik. She ate everything!! That's my girl!!!
                                 To the last spoonful :)

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