Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, June 27, 2014

Spell-It-Wrong List

I'm teaching Form 5 Biology. I have two classes of Bio students. They are sitting for their SPM this year. As usual, I'll be more nervous for them than themselves. And after marking their mid-term paper, I'm seeing RED! So, I decided to list down words, terms and statement that appeared in their exam paper.

  1. binary diffusion (Correct term: binary fission)
  2. meitosis (Correct spelling: meiosis)
  3. spinal fibre (Correct term: spindle fiber)
  4. pemotongan sel (Correct term: pembahagian sel)
  5. mitokinesis (Correct spelling: cytokinesis)
  6. peri-peri disease (Correct spelling: beri-beri disease)
  7. osteophogus (Correct spelling: oesophagus)
  8. brestting (NO IDEA WHAT THIS IS)
  9. oksidahaemoglobin (NO IDEA WHAT THIS IS)
  10. dorphal fin (Correct term: dorsal fin)
  11. sunlight releases chlorophyll (Correct fact: sunlight absorbs chlorophyll)
  12. pelvic glads (Correct term: pelvic girdle)
  13. arguadria (NO IDEAWHAT THIS IS)
  14. paralism (Correct term: parasitism)
  15. fertilises the soil (Correct term: makes the soil fertile)
  16. glygogen (Correct spelling: glycogen)
  17. centromeors (Correct spelling: centromere)
  18. centrious (Correct spelling: centromere)
  19. triglytides (Correct spelling: tryglycerides)
  20. pulmonary glain (Correct spelling: pulmonary vein)
  21. chromoplast (NO IDEA WHAT THIS IS)
  22. vassocination (Correct term: vaccination)
  23. carmophytisym (NO IDEA WHAT THIS IS)

Am I that BAD a teacher???

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