Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Simple and Modest Aidilfitri Celebration

This is the second raya for us husband and wife with Nisa. Alhamdulillah.. Just like the title; simple and modest raya for the three of us. Sebab utama x berapa happening raya tahun ni; morning sickness which goes on throughout the day. Huhuhu...

To me, it won't be a raya if I don't make al least one type of kuih. So after opening my mom's old cooking book, I chose one of the simplest and most sedap kuih raya; chipsmore cookies. Partner in crime is my hubby la of course. Mr. Hubby's important task is to take care of the putting in and taking out trays of cookies from the oven. He did well so I gave him 4 stars (although he did burnt 2 trays of them)!!

The raya celebration itself was as the previous years...

Pagi raya;

Raya rumah Kajang
Raya rumah Vista Subang
Sebelah malamnya pulak;

Mak-mak, newly wed and gadis-gadis yang perasan cun dalam family di Watan, Ampang
Nisa with her best outfit in Taman Memanda, Ampang
Second day of raya pulak, rombongan Ampang Jaya turun ke Kajang;

Semangat berhari raya!!
Raya ke-tiga ke IKEA (orang xde kampung....);
Nisa test2x katil. Tapi dia lebih berkenan kat soft toy yang dipegang tu...

Nisa and Iskandar tewas di IKEA. Kesian...
Raya ke-empat, dah balik cam normal days; ke Alamanda...

Alamanda baru buka so xde org pun lagi. Boleh bagi Nisa berlari sana sini
Rupa-rupanya Nisa takut naik mainan ni. Nangis giler die...
Raya ke-lima, kitorang decide nak bawa Nisa jenjalan. We ended up in Aquaria, KLCC. Best!!

Seronok sangat melayan bunyi2 excited from Nisa :)

Elok-elok dah habis pusing satu Aquaria, Nisa pun dah penat and nak tido..
All in all, memang simple but still fun because we spent 7 days together as a family, without work. Yeayyy!!!

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